5 Healthy Foods That Promote Fast Weight Loss

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Flu Virus Crippling

Good Health, When the rainy season arrives, many people stricken with a cold. Transition season is to make people susceptible to flu viruses. Some people are susceptible to this virus. In the past, people tend to underestimate this disease. Not so now, today's flu virus becoming malignant. An annoying, so some people got the flu, this disease is easily transmitted to the surroundings. Can occur, in one family, all got the flu because the process is relatively quick transmission.
Flu drugs circulating in drug stores are often unable to cope. Some people need antibiotics to cure the flu. Yet, to take antibiotics, can not be arbitrary. Dangerous if we do not use it completely. Virus complications can occur.
According to a doctor from the American, Don R. Powell, every year about 50,000 people died of complications from the flu virus. Often the case that the flu virus also attacks the lungs, causing lung infections (pneumonia).
Initially, symptoms resemble the flu and colds. The difference lies in intensity. Colds usually begins with sneezing.   

  Mucus from the nose out of liquid. Unlike the flu, colds rarely spread to the lungs. While today's cold sufferers often made helpless. Flu often forced them to lie in bed because the whole body ached. Symptoms include cough, sore throat, headache, backache, muscle ache, fever, chills, and my eyes felt hot.
Actually, depending on the flu interference immune individuals. There is no single drug that can also directly worked to overcome the flu. The drug is generally only minimize the pain and prevent further complications.

The best way
The best way to fight the flu is to try to sleep as much as possible. Thus, the body can focus all the strength to fight the flu virus. If you're already cold, it helps to follow the following suggestions:
First, drink warm water as much as possible. Warm water will heal kongesi nose and replace lost body fluids through perspirasi fever. In addition, patients recommended cold strong tea gargling with salt water or lukewarm.
Second, kulumlah lozenges or peppermint candy to moisten the throat. Do not hold your cough accompanied by sputum or flegm because it helps clean the respiratory tract of mucus.
Third, avoid drinking milk or eating cheese and other products containing milk for several days. These products can thicken mucus so difficult to remove.
Fourth, wash your hands frequently, especially after a throw phlegm and before handling food. This will help avoid the spread of flu virus to others.
Fifth, multiply the consumption of vitamin C, especially by eating fresh fruits like oranges, apples, etc.. High doses of vitamin C can accelerate the recovery of the body that tend to attack weakened by the flu virus.
In addition, flu sufferers should take aspirin or cold medication options to reduce pain and fever. Try to reduce the movement or daily activities. If in a day or two this disease does not subside, you should consult a doctor. Because, in fact this disease could bring a worse impact.
New flu often occur well after doctors gave antibiotics. Given that the drug could have an impact that is not good, it's good when you use the traditional way by eating about 3-4 cloves of garlic every day until the disease is gone. 
   Do not underestimate the flu. However, flu viruses becoming malignant. Need to overcome serious.(Good Health/Maria Etty)

Many Apple Vinegar Benefits

Good Health,When observed, counter fruit in supermarkets is almost never empty of visitors. So was what happened at the fruit stalls in the market or the roadside. It was a sign, many people realize the importance of eating fruit for health.
    Apple on the counter, for example. Piles of neatly arranged apples in the morning, immediately reduced the hose a few hours. Various types of apples, both from domestic and abroad, are equally best-selling.   
   Apples is one of the most popular fruits. In The New Book of Knowledge mentioned that the apple is the king of all fruits. American proverb says, one apple a day will keep us from the doctor!
Since ancient times, known as the apple fruit with vitamins and minerals complete. Only by eating away, process it into food, or drink the juice can make your body needs vitamins and minerals will be provided for.       
   In addition, eating fresh apples every day to clean and prevent tooth decay. However, not only fresh apples are beneficial to the body. Fermented apple cider apples are also very useful. Fermentation is actually a better nutritional value. In fact, regarded as a panacea many dangerous diseases.

Balsamic vinegar (apple cider vinegar), especially rich in essential enzymes and vitamins, and amino acids have balance better. The elements were most numerous in apple fruit is still fresh.
Apparently, the results of various studies show that apple vinegar is an antiseptic that can kill bacteria in the digestive tract. Its composition is similar to the digestive fluid made more perfect digestive conditions, and improve metabolism. These conditions can accelerate blood flow, overcome toxemia (poisoning of blood circulation), and prevent obesity.
Cider vinegar contains carotenoids (source of vitamin A) is high so that it can enhance immune to disease. Carotenoids are antioxidants. Ingredients can fend off free radicals that damage body cells. This antioxidant activity is a powerful weapon against cancer and disorders associated with free radicals. Among these, heart disease, cataracts, rheumatik, and premature aging.
Apple vinegar is also rich in carbohydrates and fiber. As a result, apple vinegar can filling and add energy. Fiber in apple vinegar including soluble species, namely pectin. This fiber can resist the accumulation of toxins that can affect the incidence of cancer. In addition, pectin can increase the body's natural ability to suppress cholesterol levels.
High levels of potassium in apple cider vinegar to prevent heart attacks and strokes, and also avoids the formation of gallstones. Apple vinegar is a source of boron minerals. The composition of boron in the balsamic vinegar gives a big influence on steroid hormones. This hormone is important for maintaining bone and calcium status. As a result, cider vinegar also prevent osteoporosis (bone perapuhan). Boron also protects the body from the damaging process hormones.
This mineral is needed to overcome the attacks ailments, such as throat irritation, cough, diarrhea, etc.. Given the many benefits of apple vinegar, you should eat every day. Not difficult to obtain. You can find it in supermarkets and pharmacies. Cider vinegar is available in various brands.
One or two teaspoons of cider vinegar can be mixed with juice or salad dressing for everyday meals. Can also mix into the drinking water. For those who are healthy, 5 ml campurkanlah apple vinegar with 2 liters of water to drink in one day.
For those who are ill, you should consume more balsamic vinegar. 10-15 ml of cider vinegar mixed with 2 liters of water per day. In order to taste good, add pure honey or sugar to taste.
(Good Health/Maria Etty)

Addressing Infection with Yogurt

Good Health,IF you go to the liquor counters in supermarkets or in shopping malls, it was not hard to find savory yogurt drinks. With attractive packaging and presented in a different sense, enjoyed a good drink. It was fresh and relatively affordable price, making this beverage has its own share of buyers.
Actually yogurt is not only delicious to the tongue. This drink is good for health because it contains a relatively high acidophillus. Yogurt is a fermented milk products by a number of healthy bacteria including acidophillus.
Acidophillus is one derivative healthy bacteria inhabiting the large intestine channels. Acidophillus also called probiotics because it helped maintain the balance of healthy bacteria population in the body. These bacteria also produce natural antibiotics that can kill harmful microbes.
Healthy human intestine contains approximately 85 percent of bacteria lactobacilli (including acidophillus) and 14 percent of coliform bacteria. This composition creates an uncomfortable environment for the growth of health-threatening microbes, such as a particular E. coli, salmonella and streptococcus.

Chronic disorders
The main benefit is to help the healing acidophillus infectious disease and restore a healthy balance of bacteria populations in the digestive tract and female reproductive equipment. Derived bacteria also help lower blood cholesterol levels, by absorbing cholesterol in the intestine before cholesterol reaches the arteries.
Acidophillus also played a role in the formation of vitamin B 12, K, and folic acid are mostly held in the large intestine. Acidophillus help overcome chronic gastrointestinal disorders, such as constipation, bloating, and inflammation of the intestine. In addition, these bacteria also help control the growth of candida albicans fungi that cause vaginal discharge in women. Acidophillus necessary for those who are taking any type of antibiotic that can kill fungus acidophillus but nourish the disease, especially for those who frequently take antibiotics or over. Because antibiotics work without favoritism: healthy bacteria, too terbasmi.
Use as a rinse drugs should be done only on candida or fungal infection during treatment with antibiotics.

Intestinal flora
To create a balance of intestinal flora, mix ¾ to 1 cup plain yogurt with acidophillus containing capsules or 1-2 teaspoons approximately ¼ teaspoon acidophillus supplements that can be bought at drug stores. Then, mix with half cup room temperature water.
Female organs as the rinse, use a mixture of 2 teaspoons acidophillus with ¼ liter of warm water. Use to rinse twice a day, for a maximum of ten days. Excessive consumption may cause irritation.
It is still difficult to determine how much actual content in yogurt acidophillus. However, recent studies show that about yogurt with 1 cup of yogurt consumption containing acidophillus once a day for six consecutive months will restore a healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive tract and female reproductive organs.

One billion
Acidophillus sensitive to high acidity. The right time is to eat the morning before breakfast or three hours after dinner, when stomach acid concentration is not too high. Acidophillus also not effective if taken with antibiotics. Eat only natural, because the excess will cause diarrhea and indigestion.
If you want to buy acidophillus in the form of capsules or yogurt, to note a few things. First, consider each capsule or pill supplements containing at least 1 billion acidophillus. Second, supplements or yogurt containing live bacteria (active culture). Third, note the expiration date.
For the sake of health, do not have to hesitate to consume yogurt. Abortion has been tested healthy body. For women, at least be spared the torment of whitish.
(Good Health/Maria Etty)


Overcoming stubborn acne

Good Health, Who is not annoyed when pimples appear on the face. Not infrequently in exasperation, punched-mencet sufferers fester until it bumps cause scar-scar. Tragically, the scar can last until the annual. So, as a teenager, some people are concerned with the appearance of acne on their faces. Moreover, the emergence of not just one or two but scattered throughout the face. Their performance was disrupted. In fact, the situation can make the sufferer feel inferior. 
   According to Don R. Powell of the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, acne is a logical consequence of the increase in androgen hormones during adolescence, which is an increase in the pump-producing sebaceous glands fat. When the oil vessels in the hair follicle is blocked, bacteria on the skin surface mixed with the excess oil, causes acne to grow and swell.
However, no need to worry, acne can be treated and prevented. Even if already left scars on the face, can also be eliminated. Today the various drug able to cope.

Medium volatile
There are several factors that encourage the growth of acne. First is genetics. The children of parents who tend to be acne breakouts if not prevented. Another factor is hormone balance disorders. This occurs primarily during puberty, when the soul is in turmoil, began to be interested in the opposite sex, etc.. In addition, because eating fatty and spicy foods. Fatty foods will increase the production of skin oil. While spicy foods will produce a burning sensation in the body that stimulates production of sweat and skin oils.
Other causes are lack of skin hygiene. Dirt and cells that have died if not cleaned will stick and cause blockages that cause acne. Hot climate also causes the skin out a lot of sweat so easily attached dirt and caused blockage. Too much use moisturizing lotion or use a thick makeup and greasy also stimulate acne.
In addition, for women, the influence of menstrual disorders also cause acne hormone balance so easily arise.

There are many drugs that can overcome acne. Choose a lotion that contains sulfur which serves to dry acne and contains allantoin which can prevent the occurrence of holes and black spots of acne scars. The best cure is not only outside but also from within, by taking preventive or herbal anti-acne pimples. Also, avoid fatty foods and multiply eat vegetables and fruits.
Maintain cleanliness really clean the skin with cleanser face repeatedly with astringent and anti-acne soaps today are sold freely. Try also to be diligent shampooing, at least two times a week to minimize the oil that settles on the surface of the skin that makes the appearance of acne on the forehead, neck, and shoulders. Try also to not touch the hair to face does not stick to litter. Reduce the time exposed to direct sunlight and avoid the electric lights shining hot.
If the acne was leaving a black stain or grated, it's good mengampelasnya with scrub cream twice a week. Cream Scrub cleaning function of the facial skin cells that have died. Next, apply a skin cream. Let stand for one to two hours, then wipe with a damp towel. This method can quickly diminish acne scars.
Surely it is time to overcome acne. Age will make the acne is reduced, even vanish altogether. One of the important things is to reduce the emotional tension. Do not neglect your prayer life!(Good Health/Maria Etty)

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