5 Healthy Foods That Promote Fast Weight Loss

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Observing Antibiotic Use

Good Health, EXPERT infections at Health Centers, Washington, Cynthia Gilbert, shocked to find one of his patients who suffer from kidney infection died. In fact, during the nine months he has been treating patients with seven types of antibiotics. Apparently, the patient's condition showed no improvement whatsoever. This fact made him question the efficacy of antibiotics. In fact, half a century ago, when the medical world discovered antibiotics, as if a miracle has occurred. This drug is efficacious to overcome any infection. However, over time, a drug used to be a mainstay is now a threat. Infectious germs are not desperate to strengthen its ranks. In a period of time, micro-organisms that can produce destructive enzymes antibiotics. In America, the case of increasingly widespread resistance to antibiotics. Carrying approximately 13 300 cases of infection that was not working with any drug treatment. The study, which collected the Center for Disease Prevention concluded: one out of seven patients with TB resistant to antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics are circulating in the market for more than 100 types, such as tetracycline, chloraphenicol, baktrim, etc.. Allegedly, a number of diseases such as syphilis, malaria, severe diarrhea, inflammation of the lining of the brain, and infections caused by acts of operations tend to not work again with certain types of antibiotics. 
    The use of sale Infection causing germs become resistant to antibiotics because of its use are on sale. People who suffer a mild flu, for example, often hastily taking antibiotics. Finally, a drug originally made effectual germs become resistant within a certain time. A physician may prescribe an antibiotic with specific dosage and should be spent. The problem often happens, the patient did not spend the drug once felt he was healed. In fact, taking antibiotics is not completed can be fatal, who died only a mild germs, while the germs are in fact increasingly hefty weight. The bacteria will actually disappear if the dose is given by the physician were spent. In addition, other bad habits are taking antibiotics alternated. In fact, the more the patient tries to type antibiotics, the more resistant bacterial species. Difficulties that will occur can be predicted: when the terminally ill, patients with difficult to treat. In Indonesia, the condition does not carefully taking antibiotics is much more severe compared with developed countries like America. The problem, an Indonesian doctor moved around a lot so there is no complete medical records. Use of antibiotics in this country according to a survey, it is not rational anymore. According to pharmacologist Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Budiono Santoso, the numbers of antibiotics in Indonesia has been spending half of the purchase of all drugs in circulation. Thus, antibiotic use caution so as not to become a threat to health. First, do not be indiscriminate use of antibiotics. This means that, should the doctor's prescription. Doctors know when a patient should have to use antibiotics. Second, the dosages given physician should be spent. Never leave the body despite antibiotic've felt healthy. This will be harmful to the body, the germs will be immune to antibiotics. Third, do not keep changing types of antibiotics. If possible do not keep changing doctors so that giving antibiotics tend to be the same if the body is infected. It's good we are back on the use of natural antibiotics, such as eating garlic or grated ginger. In fact, today's chemical antibiotics is no longer the mainstay drug, even a threat to human health. (Good Health/Maria Etty)

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