5 Healthy Foods That Promote Fast Weight Loss

Senin, 20 September 2010

Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Shed Bladder Stones

Good Health, Avocado (Persea Persea Americana Mill or Gratissima Gaerin) or in terms of its foreign called Advocaat or avocado pear and is included in the family Lauraceae plants that will grow well in an area that gets enough water and sunlight.
Plants contain many chemical elements, among others; tannins, and polyphenols in the fruit, sugar and alcohol quersetin persiit on leaves as well as saponins, alkaloids, and flavonoida this on both China mentioned in the science of pharmacology has a bitter taste properties, and Snakeskin Gourami.
Active compounds contained in the leaves are; shed urine and inhibits the growth of (anti) bacteria such as staphylococcus sp, pseudomonas sp, proteus sp, sp and eschericea bacillus sp. While the compound is contained in its seeds; anti-inflammatory and pain killing.
Based on the literature that records the experience of descent from around the world mentioning that this plant can cure various diseases, among others;
- Urinary stone; 4 avocado leaves, 3 pieces of rhizome rumpit puzzles, 5 leaves of cotton stalks, seeds ½ areca nut, a finger of nutmeg and palm sugar 3 / aren washed thoroughly and then braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1 / 4 cups then filtered and drunk after a cold. Drunk three times a day ¾ cup.
- High blood pressure and headaches; 3 avocado leaves washed thoroughly and then poured boiling water with 1 cup hot water and drunk once after a cold.
- Dry face skin; meat and mashed fruit such as porridge and used as a mask that is applied to the dry face with water then washed his face after the mask layer is dry.
- Swelling due to inflammation, such as beans ground into powders and then added some water to become mushy and then smeared on a sore body parts.
- Nerve pain and stomach; 3-6 avocado leaves washed thoroughly and then boiled or brewed with 1 cup water and then drunk.
- Airway inflammation and irregular menstruation; 3-6 avocado leaves washed thoroughly and then boiled or brewed with 1 cup water and then drunk. (Good Health)

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Some information states that a toxin found in avocado can kill cancer cell. baby eczema

detoxia mengatakan...

It's true. Thank you for visiting

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