5 Healthy Foods That Promote Fast Weight Loss

Senin, 20 September 2010

Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Shed Bladder Stones

Good Health, Avocado (Persea Persea Americana Mill or Gratissima Gaerin) or in terms of its foreign called Advocaat or avocado pear and is included in the family Lauraceae plants that will grow well in an area that gets enough water and sunlight.
Plants contain many chemical elements, among others; tannins, and polyphenols in the fruit, sugar and alcohol quersetin persiit on leaves as well as saponins, alkaloids, and flavonoida this on both China mentioned in the science of pharmacology has a bitter taste properties, and Snakeskin Gourami.
Active compounds contained in the leaves are; shed urine and inhibits the growth of (anti) bacteria such as staphylococcus sp, pseudomonas sp, proteus sp, sp and eschericea bacillus sp. While the compound is contained in its seeds; anti-inflammatory and pain killing.
Based on the literature that records the experience of descent from around the world mentioning that this plant can cure various diseases, among others;
- Urinary stone; 4 avocado leaves, 3 pieces of rhizome rumpit puzzles, 5 leaves of cotton stalks, seeds ½ areca nut, a finger of nutmeg and palm sugar 3 / aren washed thoroughly and then braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 2 1 / 4 cups then filtered and drunk after a cold. Drunk three times a day ¾ cup.
- High blood pressure and headaches; 3 avocado leaves washed thoroughly and then poured boiling water with 1 cup hot water and drunk once after a cold.
- Dry face skin; meat and mashed fruit such as porridge and used as a mask that is applied to the dry face with water then washed his face after the mask layer is dry.
- Swelling due to inflammation, such as beans ground into powders and then added some water to become mushy and then smeared on a sore body parts.
- Nerve pain and stomach; 3-6 avocado leaves washed thoroughly and then boiled or brewed with 1 cup water and then drunk.
- Airway inflammation and irregular menstruation; 3-6 avocado leaves washed thoroughly and then boiled or brewed with 1 cup water and then drunk. (Good Health)

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Thatch (Imperata cylindrica) Acute Kidney Inflammation Cure

Good Health, Thatch (Imperata cylindrica) is included in the plant family Gramineae or Poaceae commonly grow wild anywhere where possible.
These plants contain chemical elements, among others; mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, citric acid, and femenol cylindrin, coixol, anemonin, resins and a lot of alkali elements contained in the leaves, flowers and roots. Pharmacology Studies of China mentioned that this plant has a sweet nature and cool.
Active compounds contained in them are: anti piretic; lower the heat, diuretics; shed tract, hemostatic; stop bleeding and relieve thirst.
Based on the literature that records the experience of descent from around the world mentioning that this plant can cure various diseases, among others;
- Vomiting blood; roots (30-60 g) was washed thoroughly, cut into pieces, braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass and then drink after a cold.
- Gonorrhea; roots 300 gr washed thoroughly, cut into pieces, boiled with 2000 cc of clean water glass until remaining 1 200 cc plus rock sugar to taste. Drunk three times a day for 10 days.
- Acute hepatitis, 60 grams of dried roots thoroughly washed, boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass and then drink two times a day for 10 days.
- Acute kidney inflammation; roots (60-120 g) was washed thoroughly, cut into pieces and then braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. Drink 2-3 times a day for.  (Good Health)

Fennel leaves (Foeniculum vulgare Mill) Overcome Stomach Ache

Good Health, Fennel leaves Fennel originated from plants with a crude drug Herba Foeniculi or Oelium Foeniculi included in an ordinary family Umbeliferae plants grow in areas with adequate exposure to sunlight at an altitude below 500 m above sea level. This plant is rich in chemical constituents, among others; flying oil (0.3-6%) with high content anethol, bitter substances, anise ketone, fanchom, dipenten, kamfen and methyl chavikol. China's treatment techniques recognize that this plant has a keen sense of nature, anti piretic, anti-diarrhea and encourages the release of wind. Also this plant is also a stimulant drug, ekspectorant and deodorizer. Active compounds contained in it also has many benefits, including: kamfena (the fruit); stimulates the emergence of seizures, limonella (the fruit); inhibit fungus candida albicans causes whitish, stimulating peristaltic, antikholinesterase, flu medicine as well as increasing endurance, 1.8 sincol (in all parts of plants); stimulate an erection, stimulates sweat, liver, and stimulate lasing central nervous argirin (the fruit); nourish and strengthen the durability of sperm; routine (in fruit); stimulate arousal, delay aging and inhibit enzymes expenditure aldose-reductase, stigmasterol (the fruit); stimulating hormone, estrogen, stimulates ovulation, antihepatotoksik as well as raw material for making steroid hormones. Seeing many of chemical content in them that have pharmacological effects, and based on the literature that records the experience of descent from around the world mentioning that this plant is widely used as a healer of various diseases, among others; mules, canker sores, coughing, food preservatives, strong medications (aphrodisiac ), as well as replacement of certain foodstuffs.  (Good Health)

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Observing Antibiotic Use

Good Health, EXPERT infections at Health Centers, Washington, Cynthia Gilbert, shocked to find one of his patients who suffer from kidney infection died. In fact, during the nine months he has been treating patients with seven types of antibiotics. Apparently, the patient's condition showed no improvement whatsoever. This fact made him question the efficacy of antibiotics. In fact, half a century ago, when the medical world discovered antibiotics, as if a miracle has occurred. This drug is efficacious to overcome any infection. However, over time, a drug used to be a mainstay is now a threat. Infectious germs are not desperate to strengthen its ranks. In a period of time, micro-organisms that can produce destructive enzymes antibiotics. In America, the case of increasingly widespread resistance to antibiotics. Carrying approximately 13 300 cases of infection that was not working with any drug treatment. The study, which collected the Center for Disease Prevention concluded: one out of seven patients with TB resistant to antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics are circulating in the market for more than 100 types, such as tetracycline, chloraphenicol, baktrim, etc.. Allegedly, a number of diseases such as syphilis, malaria, severe diarrhea, inflammation of the lining of the brain, and infections caused by acts of operations tend to not work again with certain types of antibiotics. 
    The use of sale Infection causing germs become resistant to antibiotics because of its use are on sale. People who suffer a mild flu, for example, often hastily taking antibiotics. Finally, a drug originally made effectual germs become resistant within a certain time. A physician may prescribe an antibiotic with specific dosage and should be spent. The problem often happens, the patient did not spend the drug once felt he was healed. In fact, taking antibiotics is not completed can be fatal, who died only a mild germs, while the germs are in fact increasingly hefty weight. The bacteria will actually disappear if the dose is given by the physician were spent. In addition, other bad habits are taking antibiotics alternated. In fact, the more the patient tries to type antibiotics, the more resistant bacterial species. Difficulties that will occur can be predicted: when the terminally ill, patients with difficult to treat. In Indonesia, the condition does not carefully taking antibiotics is much more severe compared with developed countries like America. The problem, an Indonesian doctor moved around a lot so there is no complete medical records. Use of antibiotics in this country according to a survey, it is not rational anymore. According to pharmacologist Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Budiono Santoso, the numbers of antibiotics in Indonesia has been spending half of the purchase of all drugs in circulation. Thus, antibiotic use caution so as not to become a threat to health. First, do not be indiscriminate use of antibiotics. This means that, should the doctor's prescription. Doctors know when a patient should have to use antibiotics. Second, the dosages given physician should be spent. Never leave the body despite antibiotic've felt healthy. This will be harmful to the body, the germs will be immune to antibiotics. Third, do not keep changing types of antibiotics. If possible do not keep changing doctors so that giving antibiotics tend to be the same if the body is infected. It's good we are back on the use of natural antibiotics, such as eating garlic or grated ginger. In fact, today's chemical antibiotics is no longer the mainstay drug, even a threat to human health. (Good Health/Maria Etty)

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Vegetable and Fruit for Health and Beauty

Good Health, Fruits and vegetables proved to be very beneficial for health. Not only to eat, but fruits and vegetables are also used as a beauty nurse.

   Tomatoes contain many vitamins and skin to soften hands. Here's how: mix the tomato juice in the same amount of lemon juice and glycerine (can be purchased at pharmacies). Put on your hands and do massage with movements such as hand washing.

   Cucumber juice contains astringent materials useful to serve as a tonic for oily skin facial. It also serves as a bleach. For tonic face: grated cucumber and strained sufficiently. Apply the liquid to the entire face using a clean cotton.
To bleach: mix the grated cucumber about half the fruit with two tablespoons of fresh milk mature. Dab on the face and neck every day.


   To shed skin cells that have died, use papaya which has softened as a mask and leave for 30 minutes. Papaya is eaten every day can also prevent wrinkles on the skin. Substance in papaya can be rejuvenating collagen.

   Eating strawberries can calm the mind. It also has a bleacher for dull skin. When mixed with butter to soften dry skin. Here's how: mix one tablespoon of butter tea that has been heated with fresh strawberry juice to taste. Apply this mixture on face and leave for half an hour.

   The cause of sagging and wrinkled skin, among others due to the destructive oxidation and reduce muscle tissue elasticity. Bit is a protection against oxidation. These types of bulbs have a substance which is very helpful manganese production of healthy collagen. Grated beet taste, then use as a mask for several minutes.

Leaf Lettuce
   This leaves contain a sedative and can make the facial muscles relax. Make leaf lettuce as a food menu as often as possible. Result, the tension lines on the face will disappear.

   Potatoes can make the tired eyes shining back and can eliminate swelling in the eye. Here's how: parutlah potatoes, then place in a thin cloth or gauze. Kompreslah eye for several minutes.

   Apples can neutralize the excess oil on the face making it suitable for oily skin. Parutlah apple taste and Dab on the face about 30 minutes.

   Lime has a privilege as a bleach and refreshing, especially for tired skin. Here's how: Beat an egg yolk (for dry skin / normal) or egg white (for oily skin), lemon juice and half skin enter into the mix. Let the eggs overnight in order to absorb the oil from orange peel. Dab on the face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

   Water and oil contained in sweet orange peel is useful as a cleanser and tonic for dry and normal skin. As a cleanser: enter the peels into the warm water, then puncture the skin an orange stick with a knife edge. Let the orange peel in water until the night before and use to wash the face next day.

   When eaten, the seeds of the pomegranate can calm the nerves. As for skin, especially white pomegranate, could be a drug to prevent discharge. Here's how: pomegranate skin is dried, finely ground, and brewed with hot water, then drink. Pomegranate skin can also be boiled, then the water was drunk.

Melon and Watermelon
   Of the various fruits, melons and watermelons liquid cold keep longest and best used as a compress for sunburned skin. How: meat sliced fruit and wrapped with gauze. Put on the face about 30 minutes, after rinse with cold water.(Good Health/Maria Etty)

Aloe Vera Body Increase Endurance

Good Health, Once there, his journey to find a new world, Columbus brought the aloe vera (aloe vera). He weeded the plants in small pots to reproduce.
   Columbus accidentally brought this plant for realizing the benefits. When the crew needed, he can immediately take advantage of fresh aloe. Several centuries ago, Columbus was aware that the aloe vera plant is a multi-benefits. Not only as a fertilizer ingredient hair, but also as a medicine to treat burns, cuts, dry skin, etc.. In addition, can also be a nutritious beverages at the beginning boat exhausted.
    Research in the United States revealed that Aloe vera can be used as a healing chronic illness. In the book pharmacological Activities of Aloe Vera Gel, Clinton H. Howard explained that aloe vera can be used externally and internally. Howard says, the benefits of aloe vera is a natural cleanser, reduces bleeding, anti pireti (reduce heat), anti-inflammatory (inflammation), and anti pruritik (reduces itching).
Moreover, according to Howard, aloe vera has a useful nutrition for the human body, ie vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fatty acids, antiseptic, analgesic, and immune boosters. Thus, taking aloe vera can improve endurance.

   Food and Drug Administration that America is famous for highly selective acknowledge the results of research, has admitted that the content contained in aloe vera nourish the human body.
In 1981, Clinton Howard founded Carrington Laboratories, to evaluate the chemical properties and biological aloe vera. They found the content of active compound in this plant became known as acemannan. This Gynecology has been shown to cure some types of tumors, infections caused by viruses, and immune deficiencies.
   Howard these findings have received a response from researchers in the medical world. Not only in America but also in Western countries other, these findings disseminated to the public to cope with their diseases.
   American Medical Association (AMA), a medical institution in the United States, Howard also acknowledged the findings. Carrington Laboratories, received permission to produce Aloe vera processed medically.

Uncover usability
   Aloe vera is a plant terna, including Liliaceae tribe from Africa. Fleshy leaves are thick, waxy with barbed edge, sword-shaped, convex on the bottom. Yellow flowers are arranged in bunches. Actually, these plants thrive in the mountains, but it tends to grow everywhere.
   Over time, more and more researchers who want to uncover the use aloe vera. To get the maximum benefits, it is advisable not to peel any of these plants. Because, this plant will lose their original character or nature of the outer skin removed after discharged. It tastes and smells are still aloe vera but Khasiatnya fade.
Aloe vera plant is relatively easy. Simply planted in the yard, could also be in the pot. These plants require relatively little specialized care. Simply doused with just enough water every day. In a relatively short time, this plant will quickly grow.
   You should plant it at home, at any given time you may need it. Whether because of injury or ulcer recurrence. You can immediately use lendirinya, dioles or be eaten. If you are reluctant to eat them raw, today's widely available aloe vera food supplement tablets or capsule form. You chose to live ....(Good Health/ Maria Etty)

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Flu Virus Crippling

Good Health, When the rainy season arrives, many people stricken with a cold. Transition season is to make people susceptible to flu viruses. Some people are susceptible to this virus. In the past, people tend to underestimate this disease. Not so now, today's flu virus becoming malignant. An annoying, so some people got the flu, this disease is easily transmitted to the surroundings. Can occur, in one family, all got the flu because the process is relatively quick transmission.
Flu drugs circulating in drug stores are often unable to cope. Some people need antibiotics to cure the flu. Yet, to take antibiotics, can not be arbitrary. Dangerous if we do not use it completely. Virus complications can occur.
According to a doctor from the American, Don R. Powell, every year about 50,000 people died of complications from the flu virus. Often the case that the flu virus also attacks the lungs, causing lung infections (pneumonia).
Initially, symptoms resemble the flu and colds. The difference lies in intensity. Colds usually begins with sneezing.   

  Mucus from the nose out of liquid. Unlike the flu, colds rarely spread to the lungs. While today's cold sufferers often made helpless. Flu often forced them to lie in bed because the whole body ached. Symptoms include cough, sore throat, headache, backache, muscle ache, fever, chills, and my eyes felt hot.
Actually, depending on the flu interference immune individuals. There is no single drug that can also directly worked to overcome the flu. The drug is generally only minimize the pain and prevent further complications.

The best way
The best way to fight the flu is to try to sleep as much as possible. Thus, the body can focus all the strength to fight the flu virus. If you're already cold, it helps to follow the following suggestions:
First, drink warm water as much as possible. Warm water will heal kongesi nose and replace lost body fluids through perspirasi fever. In addition, patients recommended cold strong tea gargling with salt water or lukewarm.
Second, kulumlah lozenges or peppermint candy to moisten the throat. Do not hold your cough accompanied by sputum or flegm because it helps clean the respiratory tract of mucus.
Third, avoid drinking milk or eating cheese and other products containing milk for several days. These products can thicken mucus so difficult to remove.
Fourth, wash your hands frequently, especially after a throw phlegm and before handling food. This will help avoid the spread of flu virus to others.
Fifth, multiply the consumption of vitamin C, especially by eating fresh fruits like oranges, apples, etc.. High doses of vitamin C can accelerate the recovery of the body that tend to attack weakened by the flu virus.
In addition, flu sufferers should take aspirin or cold medication options to reduce pain and fever. Try to reduce the movement or daily activities. If in a day or two this disease does not subside, you should consult a doctor. Because, in fact this disease could bring a worse impact.
New flu often occur well after doctors gave antibiotics. Given that the drug could have an impact that is not good, it's good when you use the traditional way by eating about 3-4 cloves of garlic every day until the disease is gone. 
   Do not underestimate the flu. However, flu viruses becoming malignant. Need to overcome serious.(Good Health/Maria Etty)

Many Apple Vinegar Benefits

Good Health,When observed, counter fruit in supermarkets is almost never empty of visitors. So was what happened at the fruit stalls in the market or the roadside. It was a sign, many people realize the importance of eating fruit for health.
    Apple on the counter, for example. Piles of neatly arranged apples in the morning, immediately reduced the hose a few hours. Various types of apples, both from domestic and abroad, are equally best-selling.   
   Apples is one of the most popular fruits. In The New Book of Knowledge mentioned that the apple is the king of all fruits. American proverb says, one apple a day will keep us from the doctor!
Since ancient times, known as the apple fruit with vitamins and minerals complete. Only by eating away, process it into food, or drink the juice can make your body needs vitamins and minerals will be provided for.       
   In addition, eating fresh apples every day to clean and prevent tooth decay. However, not only fresh apples are beneficial to the body. Fermented apple cider apples are also very useful. Fermentation is actually a better nutritional value. In fact, regarded as a panacea many dangerous diseases.

Balsamic vinegar (apple cider vinegar), especially rich in essential enzymes and vitamins, and amino acids have balance better. The elements were most numerous in apple fruit is still fresh.
Apparently, the results of various studies show that apple vinegar is an antiseptic that can kill bacteria in the digestive tract. Its composition is similar to the digestive fluid made more perfect digestive conditions, and improve metabolism. These conditions can accelerate blood flow, overcome toxemia (poisoning of blood circulation), and prevent obesity.
Cider vinegar contains carotenoids (source of vitamin A) is high so that it can enhance immune to disease. Carotenoids are antioxidants. Ingredients can fend off free radicals that damage body cells. This antioxidant activity is a powerful weapon against cancer and disorders associated with free radicals. Among these, heart disease, cataracts, rheumatik, and premature aging.
Apple vinegar is also rich in carbohydrates and fiber. As a result, apple vinegar can filling and add energy. Fiber in apple vinegar including soluble species, namely pectin. This fiber can resist the accumulation of toxins that can affect the incidence of cancer. In addition, pectin can increase the body's natural ability to suppress cholesterol levels.
High levels of potassium in apple cider vinegar to prevent heart attacks and strokes, and also avoids the formation of gallstones. Apple vinegar is a source of boron minerals. The composition of boron in the balsamic vinegar gives a big influence on steroid hormones. This hormone is important for maintaining bone and calcium status. As a result, cider vinegar also prevent osteoporosis (bone perapuhan). Boron also protects the body from the damaging process hormones.
This mineral is needed to overcome the attacks ailments, such as throat irritation, cough, diarrhea, etc.. Given the many benefits of apple vinegar, you should eat every day. Not difficult to obtain. You can find it in supermarkets and pharmacies. Cider vinegar is available in various brands.
One or two teaspoons of cider vinegar can be mixed with juice or salad dressing for everyday meals. Can also mix into the drinking water. For those who are healthy, 5 ml campurkanlah apple vinegar with 2 liters of water to drink in one day.
For those who are ill, you should consume more balsamic vinegar. 10-15 ml of cider vinegar mixed with 2 liters of water per day. In order to taste good, add pure honey or sugar to taste.
(Good Health/Maria Etty)

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